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R. B. Winter Selected as the PPFF State Park of the year and more!

The Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation (PPFF) recently announced that R. B. Winter State Park has been selected as their Park of The Year! The Park will be recognized "for its exemplary customer service focused on providing a quality experience for visitors, its boundless recreational opportunities, and its resilience in the face of unexpected hardship..." at PPFF's annual rewards banquet at Little Buffalo State Park on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. Learn more about PPFF and the 2023 award winners.

Firewood Sales In The Family Campground

The Friends of R. B. Winter State Park are pleased to announce that with the opening of the family campground, we will now be offering firewood for sale! Bundles of firewood are $8.00 each and can be purchased at our firewood shed in the campground across from campsite #60 near the campground entrance. Proceeds from the sale of firewood stay in the park and allow the Friends to further our goals of supporting the park staff and promoting education, responsible recreation and stewardship for present and future generations at the R. B. Winter State Park Complex. The Friends would like to thank Jeraco Truck Caps for their generous donation of the firewood shed!

Upcoming Events!

Second Annual Spring Route 192 Clean-Up

The Friends will be hosting our second annual spring clean-up of Route 192 on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. After the clean-up, we will be providing lunch to the volunteers. We ask that all interested volunteers register for the clean-up at no later than Monday, April 17th, 2023. We look forward to seeing you there!

April Board Meeting

Our April Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 13th, 2023, at 6:00 pm in the Environmental Learning Center (ELC) in the park. As always, the Board Meeting is open to the public- whether you have loved R. B. Winter State Park for years, or have just discovered this special place, we welcome you to join us. Directions to the ELC

Lewisburg Arts Festival Display and Information Table

Visit the Friends of R. B. Winter State Park at the 2023 Lewisburg Arts Festival! Stop by our stand to check out some of our local amphibians and learn more about the Friends! This year's Arts Festival will feature nearly 120 juried artists, artisanal food vendors, and food trucks as well as hands-on activities for children. Look for us in the interactive arts area in Hufnagle Park near Ashburn's Animals Petting Zoo and Balloon Twisters! For more about the 2023 Arts Festival visit or

Several hundred anglers came out to the park this past weekend to try their luck on the opening day of Trout Season! Plenty of trout remain in Halfway Lake and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission will be stocking additional adult Rainbow Trout and Golden Rainbow Trout in the lake on the morning of Wednesday, April 19th, 2023. Halfway Lake provides anglers with fishing opportunities throughout the year, a water depth chart of Halfway Lake can be found on DCNR's website here.

We always love to see people enjoying the park so be sure to share pictures of your fishing catches as well as pictures of your other adventures at R. B. Winter State Park with our


© 2025 Friends of Raymond B Winter State Park

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